Drugs Man (Failure of the War on Drugs and Associated Effects)

2 years ago

Why do 3 non drug users want to legalize drugs? Mike, Jon, and Tom discuss drugs, the war on drugs, legalizing drugs, declaring war on - and victory over - inanimate objects, bodily autonomy, distribution to children, age of emancipation, spontaneous combustion, significant mental disability and involuntary commitment, OxyContin prescriptions for headaches, Chinese legislation relations to US legislation, genesis and development of drug control laws, Coca-Cola containing opium and cocaine, snake oil salesmen, difference between health supplements and drugs, taxation of import3d drugs, Controlled Substances Act (CSA), consumer protection and the nanny state, radium radiation melting off women’s faces, Richard Nixon administration, government power and control, Jimmy Carter administration attempt at marijuana legalization, federal legal nexus within state legislation, prohibition as a failed experiment, federal student aid, big daddy government giving us money, the government’s money, federal drug offense incarceration rate, stacked criminal charges, laws creating crime, degenerates smoking and drinking at local bars, definition of a drug, carbohydrates and sugar are drugs, self-medication, bad relationship breakups, positive feedback to a negative station, rat park study and mice utopia, opioids are addictive, physicians overprescribing, chronic pain sufferers, medical school is rote memorization following flow paths, Jimmy and grass and mowing and blah blah blah, government accountability and responsibility, communion wine, rum ration fur trench war solders, medicating active duty personnel, Viking berserkers and Wehrmacht methamphetamine, hallucinogen treatment for PTSD/shellshock, pain management and the shift in medical care, chronic pain treatment options, the opioid crisis, physician kickbacks for excessive prescriptions, holistic and eastern medicine versus acute and western medicine, osteopathy v homeopathy v chiropracty v standard western medicine, healthy lifestyle choices, obesity, gunshot wounds, mental health of the nation, community led versus federal government solutions, going to Mexico for medical treatment, and whether Mike is Xenophobic.


#Drugs #WarOnDrugs #DrugLegalization #NannyState #CommerceClause

Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know

Nixon’s Presidential Approval Ratings (Tom wants you to know he wasn’t correct on this)

Cheech and Chong’s Cannabis Company

Gonzalez v Raich (2004) - State Legalization of Marijuana

The Commerce Clause - Common Interpretation

Alcohol Prohibition Was a Failure

Transcript: Definition of a Drug

Rat Park Study

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