OSHO Talk - Hyakujo, The Everest of Zen - The Great Pearl - 2

2 years ago

Hyakujo's greatest contribution to Zen was the development of monasteries - where thousands of people gathered together with a single direction, toward what Zen calls The Ultimate Experience. And his motto: "One day without working, one day without food." No holy charity here; work and meditation go hand in hand. He also created the Chinese Tea Ceremony where something so ordinary as drinking tea becomes a meditation. But more than simply chronicles of a past master, here we see Osho "hitting" a disciple in front of the assembled thousands at the evening meditation and we experience the depths of her response. Such was the intensity of this that Osho dedicated the talk to her - a talk that is truly "living Zen" and a must for everyone who is interested in the ways of a Zen master.

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