Romans 6 ~ The Best Is Yet To Come!

2 years ago

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23

The book of Romans is full of information! It was given to Christians around the globe, teaching us that we can live a victorious life here on this earth in spite of all the sin, chaos, and utter confusion all around. What does a victorious life look like? Why should we embrace it?

In this week's C-VINE Home Bible Study, we hear the story of God's perfect people in a perfect world, and how sin became a thing. We learn how we can overcome it, and live a victorious life. It was never God's will for evil to reign. So, in His mighty power, grace, and love, God made a path through this difficult life leading us to everlasting life. And the best part is this gift is free. It's really a beautiful story of redemption!

What was this free gift? What was this pathway God made for us?

In the Bible, Genesis 1, Romans 12, John 1, and 1 John 5, all unroll this beautiful story of redemption for you and I. Want to be encouraged? Please click the video and watch as we move through some of the most educational yet encouraging stories of the Bible.

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