MadMan Musk

2 years ago

An extremely stupid front-page article in today's Wall Street Journal characterizes Elon Musk's latest move to go ahead with the original acquisition of Twitter as "a sudden and unexpected comedown" for him.

What this really does is to demonstrate what clueless ninnies write for the Wall Street Journal 9and sit on the board at Twitter). In fact this is the culmination of a brilliant move by Musk to get exactly what he wanted in the first place:

The clowns on the twitter board originally opposed the acquisition. Then, when musk accused them of having a lot of fake accounts (they do - something Musk already knew) they panicked and demanded that he move forward with the deal. Musk pretended he did not want to do so and snookered them into a stupid lawsuit to force him to do exactly what they did not want him to do - and do exactly what he wanted to do in the first place: To buy Twitter at $43 a share.

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