Medicinal Herbs: Ginger

2 years ago


Ahhh! Ginger, the smell alone sends me to a fantasy world where I can see fields of flowers surrounded by a massive tree line. Yeah, I am an odd one, but that is what I think of when I smell ginger, especially fresh ginger.

Most of us have seen ginger in the store, but don’t know that we can easily grow this in any climate. Start it in a pot, have it outside in the summer and bring it indoors in the fall for winter. I am using my pop up greenhouse, which I will link below. The reason it is in my greenhouse is I have 5 cats, who will just destroy it indoors.

This year I did grow my own and it turned out amazing. Buying fresh ginger at the store is one thing, but truly fresh ginger straight out of the ground has an even better smell. But onto the important information about ginger!

Key Constituents
Volatile oil (1-3%)
Oleoresin 4-7.5%
Gingerol, shogaols
Key Actions
Anti-Inflammatory - Arthritis (Dilute 5 drops essential oil into 20 drops of carrier oil then apply to area), muscle ache, can replace aspirin
Circulatory stimulant - Just like it sounds the juice can be used topically to help with cold sores, or as a remedy for chilblains and poor circulation taken as a devotion or a tincture
Antiemetic - can be taken as a dry pill, decoction or tincture for morning sickness, and motion sickness
Antiviral - Raw form
Digestive Stimulant
Key Preparations
0.25 - 1.0 g in 150 ml boiled water, three times a day
0.25 - 1.0 g three times daily
1.25 - 5.0 ml, three times a day
Parts Used
Rhizome Dried or Fresh
Rhizome = Root

How to Grow

I ordered my starts from Rare Seeds, however, when I gathered what I grew this year, I collected some new starts from the plants I had grown. Since they are perennials they are much like perennial bulbs and they will continue to produce starts, so you can use those each year to get new starts
I would plant this in pots for multiple reasons
I planted in the ground this year, and the roots go way deeper than you think, it was pretty difficult getting all the rhizomes out of the ground without hurting any of it.
With a pot you can just tip it over and it would be much simpler
It will be easier to save your new starts without damaging them
You can bring them inside to keep growing, or place them in a greenhouse to overwinter them.
They need a more airy loamy soil, as this also makes it easier to harvest the root when you are ready to.
I grew 5 plants this year, and it took me about a half of a day to dig them up, get them cleaned, save the starts and package the rest for processing later. Plan ahead!
You will need a soil that is specifically made for growing in pots as this will give the correct nutrients to the plant. From here watch it grow in all its prettiness.

Equipment I use:
GoPro HERO9 Black:

GoPro Mounting Items:

GoPro Protective Housing:

GoPro Dual Battery Charger:

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