DJI Mavic Mini 1 warped blade solution - revive the classic Mini, hopefully a fix

2 years ago

I had managed to hang on to my Mini and keep it flying for over two years. Lately though the controller has been warning me the propellors are at turning too fast and the motors are at max power. If that wasn't enough I started getting a payload warning (the Mimi had no payload) and it would be all I could do to to keep it from landing in a tree or bush. But there's more. One day the DJI Fly app started acting up so I deleted it before trying to download a fresh version from the play store.

Surprise, surprise, surprise, the app was not offered on the play store any more.

So it looked like the garbage bin for Ol Mini.

Fortunately I came across a YouTube video by "walking in all weather" He proposed the blades were being warped by the inside shape of the Fly More case. He suggested the blades flop around and become wedged between the bottom to the mini and a "hump" in the bottom of the case.

Well here is a video I made the solves the problem of the blades rotating our of position.
I just cut a thin strip of shrink wrap and slid it over the blades. Now I can store it properly without damaging those paper thin blades. Hope this works for you too

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