Creation Currency with Sacha Stone

2 years ago

Jane Evershed and Sacha Stone talk about Creation Currency as an antidote to The Great Reset.

If you dance or sing, if you write poetry or stories, if you sculpt or paint you are holding creation currency. If you have a sense of humor or have figured out a way to help others, if you are a loving person, you have creation currency or creation consciousness. I would say the same for inventors, and anyone working toward changing the world for the better. 

Creating art is Soul satisfaction learned.
Everyone has cc cache stored in their DNA bank

As time speeds up we are going to have to tap into our creation currency because it is connected to cosmic consciousness and it moves much faster than the outdated system the controllers have, even though they use AI to help them do their dirty work, cc works on a quantum level in alignment with universal law. 
An example would be the process of creating a piece of art. 
This is a time when humanity can come up with any hypothesis and in believing it, it can be manifested without the “science” to back it up if it as in alignment with the greater good.
The Great Reset bandits are stealing our creative currency and using it against us. They are parasitic on our direct connection to to tap into cosmic creation and prime creator and using their fiat currency to control us and have us believe that if we had more of their fake money it would enable us to do great things when we are already endowed with everything we need by way of our creation currency and our connection to Prime Creator.

The people with the Great Reset Mindset will fail because as time speeds up and we move into the positive timeline of our evolution moving into a higher frequency they cannot keep up, even with their AI because it is a synthetic form of creation and only the organic will survive at these high frequencies. And just by saying that we can manifest it!

So how do we get to a place where this creation currency is available to us for us to put it to work?

For anyone who is not in tune with their creative selves there are methods to attain it. Start with the simple things like singing or dancing or writing poetry or music. Coming from my perspective as an artist I believe that creating visual art is the best way.

Why visual art?

Because if you take the time to study the basics of art you have the tools required to literally mine your inherent creation currency. If you are painting from the soul you are tapped in to cosmic consciousness and the creative genius you were born with is activated by this process.

How is creation currency activated by the elucidation of a vision?

Well as you focus on your work you lose time, it is in that losing of time that you go outside the 3D realm and into higher dimensions. It is here where the genius of universal wisdom enters the process. If you have taken the time to study the basic rules of art you are now applying them to your art as you work. You are factoring in composition, color, light, texture, value, perspective, etc with every stroke of the brush in order to create the whole and you are doing this faster than the speed of light because you are no longer in time. This is quantum creating. I wrote a book called SPLAT! That is a step by step guide to learning the basics of art including inspiration methods and I have an upcoming course at NEU starting in October 2022, its okay if you missed it cuz we are recording the lessons! Check it out here:

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