When the "wrong" person turns to God. (Jonah 3)

2 years ago

Not sure if the title fits more for Thursday or not, but it's the one I kept getting. Also had conviction as I was closing up my camera to upload, should have said God willing to see y'all Thursday, cause no day is promised and if I'm upfront completely my back hurts way to much to record it today (Tuesday) from doing a lot of cleaning. Still HE gives me the strength. ^.^

Often we will get annoyed that the "wrong person", if there is such a thing, gets saved (which how can it be wrong when HE is the one who does the saving, not us? Never exactly understood that lack of logic even when I was neck deep in it.) God will pick the people who don't look like us, act like us, or are from our tribes. *Insert sarcasm* Worst of all, He will invite those who wear a scarlet A. But all to often it's not sarcasm, it's not tongue in cheek jest, it's meant and believed and is unwelcoming to that (those) which is different. We get mad, like Jonah, that GOD would be merciful to our enemies. Religion gets caught up in a person being an enemy and true faith knows we only have the one. The Enemy. We forget we don't war against flesh and blood, you know the other humans who are still don't know their right hand from their left. We war against principalities and spirits. Spiritual chains, generational curses, I mean our KING is called Rapha and we don't expect to be healing hands too?

GOD defines Himself very clearly in Exodus 34:6-7 "YHWH The LORD is God, merciful and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in grace and truth; showing grace to the thousandth generation, forgiving offenses, crimes and sins; yet not exonerating the guilty, but causing the negative effects of the parents' offenses to be experienced by their children and their grandchildren, and even by the third and fourth generation."
We bare HIS image, and if we bare HIS name, then in the end our very lives should look the same, not because of anything we do (other than surrender) simply by being apart of what HE does and is doing. Let HIM learn and teach us how to plant the good seeds of righteousness so that we will harvest a crop of love as Hosea 10:12 puts well rather than cultivate wickedness and end up with the same thriving crop of sin that the broken world is eating daily.

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