3 Disturbing Posts from Reddit [Vol. 71]

2 years ago

The first story is about how the story teller has a nurse come by their house almost everyday to be treated for their seizures with injections from an IV. Her usual nurse who comes by says they'll be by at their house late. However a nursing student claiming to be someone else that her regular nurse called appears at her doorstep. She opens it and lets her in. Some things seem to be sketch about her and the story tellers dog starts to growl. The story teller goes to the bathroom to text her regular nurse that her backup nurse is there but her regular nurse doesn't know who that is. She gets scared and the door is heard slamming with the fake nurse leaving. Apparently the fake nurse was about to inject her with stuff that would've killed her, and before she left she stole the drugs from her house. The fake nurse is never seen again. The second story is about how the story teller gets drunk and is drugged out of her mind one night. She calls an Uber driver late at around 4AM when her supposed driver pulls up. Usually an Uber driver would ask the name of their rider, but they driver didn't do this and also didn't know the story tellers name. She gets creeped out by this and look at the mans license plate and it doesn't match the one her true uber driver is supposed to be. The man in the car keeps trying to yell at the story teller to "just get in." Eventually her true driver pulls up and she runs into the car and tells the driver to drive off quick. She is able to get home away from the potential kidnapper and tips the driver nicely. The third story is about how a girl and her family decide to go to an amusement park when eventually the story teller wanders off from her family on accident. They get scared and try to find their family but can't. They think that if they go to the main center of the amusement park that maybe her family will be there waiting for her. She tries to find the center of the park when a 40 year old man approaches her. The man says that "If you come with me I can help you find your family." At this time a security guard comes up and asks what is wrong. The man acts as if he didn't ask and the security guard notices this and protects the story teller. By this time the man leaves. The girl finds her family and they leave the park.

My subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ToxicSkullX/

0:18 Story 1
4:43 Story 2
8:24 Story 3

Original posts:

Story 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/ososbt/a_fake_student_nurse_steals_my_treatments_at_home/

Story 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/gk4pro/fake_uber_driver_tried_to_lure_me_into_his_car/

Story 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/dnyhfl/guy_tries_to_sneak_me_past_security_guard_by/

If you wish to post your own stories for me to narrate in future videos, post them on my subreddit or email them to me! Make sure they are neat and have good grammar, otherwise I will ignore them.


Hello everyone. Today I will be narrating three disturbing reddit posts that I found from the r/LetsNotMeet subreddit. If you wish to put your own stories for my videos on my subreddit, it would be much appreciated. I hope you enjoy this one, consider liking and subscribing and leaving a comment, positive or negative. Constructive criticism is always nice as well.

I am always grateful for your appreciation to my channel and its content. From subscriptions, to likes, to ratings, all is appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful day.


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