1 year ago

Calling All Men, Women & Children Of GOD
The Time Has Come For Us To Wake Up &
Help To Free & Save Our People With Truth
We Can Now Connect The Truth Right Here
& Guaranteed Help Free & Save Our People

Let's Go Beyond These Theories & Debates
Proving & Disproving All We Can Together,
Using The 2 New Free Forums Mentioned,
All Of The Intelligence We Have Gathered &
The Supoort We Get From God & Each Other

Help Expose Lies & Tho Ones Who Lie To Us
Help Us Make Our People See The Real Truth
Help Us Gather Up The True Meanings Of Life
Help Us Defend Our People From Evil Forces
Help Us To Help Save The Victims Worldwide
Help Us To Awaken Everyone In This Reality
& Help Us Make To This Reality Better As Well
Or At Least Learn How To Escape This "Matrix"
We Can & I Believe We Must Do This Right Now

Our Enemies Engage In More Covert War Daily;
Deceiving, Dividing, Menticidally Programming, Manipulating, Controlling, Enslaving, "Owning" & Attempting To Actually Demonicalyl Possess, Slowly But Surely Every Man, Woman & Child!!!

Our Enemies Are Out There Using Their Tools,
Like Controlled Information, Conversation, $s, Politics, Religions, Races, Beliefs, All Debates, (The Things They Force Into All Of Our Minds)
Desensitizing, Demoralizing & Demonizing Us In The Process Of Making Us More Enslaved, More Oppressed, More Deceived, More Abused & Even More, More Spiritually Possessed Here

They Say This Is "Satan's Kingdom" & Also Say It's "Lucifer's Playground" & "Not God's World"
They Speak Of The 'Rulers Of This Dark World'
They Warned Us The Mind Is The Battlefield &
The Battle Is An Ancient One... For Our Souls!

Spirit, Soul, Mind, Brain, Body & Everything Else
We Are Multi-dimensionally More Than Human
We Are More Than Just "DNA Animal Slaves"
We Can Break Free From Slavery & Get To GOD
But First We Need The Truth That Sets Us Free
& This, Ladies & Gentlemen, Is A Way To Get It,
Guaranteed! So Join Our Operation Guaranteed

#assemblage #AssemblyofGod #AssembliesOfGod #allyou #childrenofGod #fighterslife #fighters #wars #war #fightback #fightbackforfreedom #wins #freedomiscoming #FreedomIsHere #thenow #NoNWO #NOILLUMINATI #nomoredeception #StopHumanSlavery #stophumantrafficking #humantraffickingawareness #mindcontrol #monarchbutterflies #MonarchMindControl #MKUltraMindControl #mkultra #targetedones #TargetedIndividuals #targeted #persecuted

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