The CCP Lies About Race In America

2 years ago

Hudson Institute’s China Center presents Episode Two of Evening Chats with Mike Pompeo: A Message to the Chinese People. In this series, 70th US Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo speaks directly to the Chinese people about the Chinese Communist Party and US-China relations.

In this episode, Pompeo explains how the Chinese Communist Party attempts to divide Americans with lies that distort the issue of race in America and tarnish the US in the eyes of the Chinese people. Pompeo retorts that unlike the CCP, which commits state-sponsored genocidal racism against ethnic minorities such as the Uyghurs and Tibetans, the United States is not racist. Instead, the United States is welcoming and attractive to countless Chinese people who want to travel, study, or immigrate here. Chinese Americans are an integral part of our experiment in self-government, and the United States is proud of its Chinese Americans, native born or immigrants.

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