Soul Speak # 63 (Jan 15/21) This Little Word Was Added To The Bible And Changed Everything! 😮🤯

2 years ago

#"Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am [𝑯𝒆], you will die in your sins.” John 8:24
I noticed something very interesting and important about the verse above. The word [He] is in italics and that usually means it's not present in the original Greek manuscript and has been added in for better understanding.
I would not fault the translators for this, because without a revelation transcending the contemporary Christian dogma, they could not have known how the text should be rendered correctly.
With the understanding that I have received over the last several months, I can read the passage without the 'added' [He] and understand what it means.
Here is a paraphrased version with my understanding:
"If you do not believe in the I AM (-ness of yourself), you will die missing the point or mark.”
Of course, Jesus spoke in the first person singular there of His own I AM-ness, but His message extended far beyond Himself.
We know this from His exchange in John 10:33-35, this mission was never about just Himself. God (Love) is not self-seeking or self-aggrandising in elevating Himself as an "idol" to be worshipped.
It actually makes a huge difference for that [He] to be there or not. It changes everything, it will either empower you or dis-empower you. We see a lot of people dis-empowered to the point of helplessness. This ought not to be so.
Unless you believe that I AM (YOU ARE) DIVINE, you will die missing the mark.
#soulspeak #renegademusings #iam #bible #jesus #christianity #god #jesuschrist #love #soul #sins

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