plz just get a dog, they are awesome and way better than women

2 years ago

sumin i been wanting to talk about
a lotta people (including me)
the way comedy used to be is most definitely dead
don't wanna take the risssssss hahahaha
politics definitely amped up thru technology
social networks heighten emotions (and narcissism)
it's fine they weren't ever really my frenz
not much of a loss but i still pray for em cos i care for them anyway
too sensitive to laugh
internet trolls are scum...maintaining position
not changing hearts n minds
picking the lowest hanging fruit to ever exist
depressing for me to watch (see reddit)
so grossly uncreative, these "people"
mocking lifestyles and belief systems does nothing for the world
so many should commit suicide
satire kinda sorta and also serious
super grossed out by uncreative people (esp if they think they're being bawlsy)
nick weir proved my point
an edible that i made w/ my bare hands
prime examples of what i've been saying all along
nobody in america knows how to do drugs
panic attacks, ER visits, and psychiatric hospitalizations
as much as i hate on nashville comedy scene...
even if their comedy sucks they're still trying
it's still better than people on tik tok
doin it in front of a screen is different
actual people that actually laugh
smarmy comments fuck off
SUCK that's this culture for ya
i say things wrong on purpose, get over it get on w/ it
probably don't remember saying this
priority number one: don't die
i hate turning onto oncoming traffic
did you notice that we are still here
wtf is in my ear that is so shiny???
if you have a penis (i just love the way i said that i am so funny that it's dumb)
imma pretend that you don't have a penis
if i get male attention it tends to freak me out and then i turn colossal bitch
ba ba ba ba based we know
smarter than the rest of them gals yes but...
adam aka mr theron love you so maaaaach!
everybody is living a sinful lifestyle if ya think about it
no better example than the phones
we often get off topic hence the yelling at myself
i want to inspire people to do the right thing
i hate this social structure so much
no way to subtract sexual attraction from this equation
i'd rather just inspire females but...
of course they will find it problematic, they find everything problematic
unexpected shit going on
real life shit, why my channel is the best
we need to go to the automobile store and get new brakes
that's the sound of maintenance is necessary
what's going on
so curious that i'm just gonna sit in this car and continue to talk
doing anything at all but esp any kinda art
they are always gonna see me differently than i see myself
why i refuse to do it "their way"
this is the kinda shit that i don't want
if you have a penis, nothing against you
a smart woman is very rare
attractive to weirdos and emotional basketcases
wanna be super appreciative n all
nobody wants that except vapid, insecure pieces a shit
i know how it feels to be looked at like that
what is your point amy
kind of a misogynist hahaha
amy is conflicted about her "art"
i don't hate women i have issues w/ them is all
if i called men out on their shit they wouldn't like me anymore
called myself out for almost 37 yrs
you clearly dunno what you want mf
all i want is for people to break their phones, nothing else
no fuck that, think like me damnit
why do you watch it if you ain't gonna take heed
if i hear sumin and it resonates...apply it mf
mass consumers vs. ag
fuck these people my problem is the world always n forever

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