A Bigest beautiful dog 🐕 in my neighbourhood I

2 years ago

All are familiar that a dog is a four feet pet that consists of thin legs. It is a common fact that a dog is a household animal that helps their owners in many works. Dogs can bite criminals and strangers for protecting their owners. People can never underestimate the intelligence of a dog because they can catch every criminal. Also, large communities conduct dog events worldwide. Thus, every year, people can see different and unique breeds in this massive event. Some dogs shed hair in winter, and others shed their hair in summers. Some of the races of dogs are Labrador, Bloodhound, greyhound, and a German shepherd. The dog lovers always prefer to keep German shepherd, Rottweiler, poodle, and Labrador. Dogs have a high quality of swimming, and also, they can give away their lives for their owners. It is an essential fact that dogs need a perfect environment for healthy living. Military officers help in training the wild dogs. The trained dogs help in a massive investigation, and they also help in detecting bombs. All dog lovers offer a great symbol of dignity to the dogs. A Dog has a habit of barking and shouting every day.

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