Rothschild's United Nations, Bilderberg Group, AIG, Illuminati, IG farben.

2 years ago

The IG Farben Trial was the second of three trials of leading industrialists of Nazi Germany for their conduct during the Nazi regime.
(The two other industrialist trials were the Flick Trial and the Krupp Trial .) The defendants in this case had all been directors of IG Farben, a large German conglomerate of chemical firms.

It all started in 1863 with a German chemicals company called Hoechst AG.
The Hoechst AG German chemicals company integral factor (co-founder) of IG Farben in 1916.

From 1950 to 1980, Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst filled their highest position, Chairman of the Board, with convicted mass murderers. Fritz ter Meer, convicted of mass murder, served just 5 prison years, then “conveniently” became the chairman of Bayer’s supervisory board. Kurt Blome, who admitted to killing Jews with “gruesome experiments,” was hired in 1951 by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to work on chemical warfare.
Today, these companies send lobbyists to Washington D.C. with millions (if not billions) of dollars to influence regulatory decisions made by the FDA and the CDC. These companies today are more powerful in and of themselves than IG Farben ever was during WWII.

Lloyd England story was he was driving near the Pentagon and one pole knocked down by a plane hit the front of his taxi. On 9/11 his story was broadcast around the world and his importance for the government official narrative about 9/11 cannot be underestimated.

A video describing his story.
Unfortunately for the planners he let slip this event was planned (staged) and came over the highway with the planners.
Bilderberg Meetings.
Thought over

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