Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

2 years ago

In Matthew 14, Peter had faith he could walk on the water, but when a storm crashed all around him, he lost sight of Jesus, his faith waned and he began to sink. In spite of the storm, Jesus was there...

Is the bible still relevant today? Scripture says Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He longs to save us not only from an eternity without Him but desires to walk this life with us, so we may live a life of victory.

But the enemy is alive and well and this life of victory may come at a high price.

Twenty-one years ago today, Patriots everywhere were devasted to learn of the 9-11 attack. With our National Anthem playing at the end of this video, we at C-VINE wish to pay tribute to those lives lost, to family members who will forever mourn the loss of their loved ones, and to all Americans who grieved that loss of life and America's freedom that day.

Our National Anthem is a great reminder that our freedoms we have in America should never be taken for granted! May God bless America!

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