The world is not overheating! “Climate Gate”!

2 years ago

The founder of “The Weather Channel” has come out on film and let everyone know the truth”The world is not overheating” and “CO2” from humans does not harm or change our Climate and is so minuscule that scientists admit the average human is NOT HARMING THE PLANET FROM CO2 EMISSIONS! Just shut down 10 ships a year from all these foreigners products from factories that and countries that don’t filter their coal power (as America is held to high standards of filtration systems for coal powered electricity and products). Stop scamming our kids and college students with your fraudulent school books! We caught you red handed falsifying the data and the world as a whole is cooling and NOT OVERHEATING! You are not a scientist if you are push this UNITED NATIONS CHI-CON GLOBALIST GLOBAL WARMING MYTHOLOGY! Stop pushing your poop science mass murder Eugenics program on Americans because it’s called Racism killing blacks and Latinos! And stop stealing our AMERICAN tax dollars quietly behind our backs with the United Nations HIGH TREASONOUS PIECES OF CRAP TRAITORS! Abolish the high treasonous United Nations-CFR out of America now! And send all these globalist murderers Eugenics devil worshipping child kidnapper abetting scum,straight to GITMO!

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