Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long Whistleblower VITAL INFORMATION DOD in Charge of Genocide

2 years ago

From Napa Idaho Oct 3, 2022. Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, also flight surgeon, whistleblowing that the United States of America's military is in charge of the agenda to kill American Citizens with the Covid 19 Injections. There is no more debate. It crosses the blood-brain barrier. ALL military pilots injected who are flying are in violation of code that prevents them from flying injected with an experiment. Blood clots and heart damage is occurring most of the time now. Biopsies and autopsies do not lie, We the People MUST fight back now and demand the injections be STOPPED. Humankind is at risk. No theory, FACT. Listen to this brave military professional giving her life for us and who also lost her dad to the jab recently. Please share widely and trust in God and Spirit and be strong. Do not comply. We have goodness on our side. Tell your local pharmacy injecting the bioweapon kill shot to stop. Why are we allowing death sites ?

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