BFGC - Oct 2, 2022 Expecting Changes

2 years ago

When a person repents and turns to Christ for salvation, they should expect to see the working of the Holy Spirit in their life. The process of being born again includes many life changes and spiritual benefits to the life of the new believer, and even though the world tries to duplicate the blessings, only Yehovah can provide the real thing. Freedom from bondage and addiction, the undeserved Love of God, peace that passes our understanding, joy in the midst of chaos, living without guilt or regret from past behavior, and the ability to make wise choices that lead to blessings, are all available to those who trust and obey God. These blessings are available to everyone who chooses to accept salvation by grace and all of these topics should be included in the Gospel Message we are sharing with the lost world, not just the love of God.

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