Mainstream Media: The Enemy of Truth

2 years ago

CIA-hatched Big Tech companies such as Google and Fakebook, as well as a mainstream media apparatus, 95% which is now owned by just 4 corporations, is a relatively new phenomenon. Together, these two great forces form a great agency of mass communication. They can shape thought and discussion throughout the Western world, but they can also stifle freedom of speech by those who have viewpoints or information that runs counter to their fabricated narratives, which is something they do quite regularly.
With the enormous power that Big Tech and mainstream media now possess, they could advance the progress of civilization, but instead, they have thwarted it. They heve not only debased and debauched mankind, they have, on many occasions, endangered the peace of the world. They play up or down the news and its significance, foster and feed emotions, create complacent fictions and blind spots, misuse words, and uphold empty slogans in order to further agendas that have nothing to do bringing about genuine human progress or furthering the Cause of Freedom.
The relative few who own and operate Big Tech companies and mainstream media, in cooperation with the wealthy and powerful individuals, corporations, and institutions who influence the institutions of mass media in the West, filter, manipulate and package content in ways that do nothing but serve their interests and their agendas.
In the 21st Century, this Dynamic Duo of Big Tech and monopoly-controlled mainstream media have now created a never-before-seen conformity in worldviews and have proved an excellent paradigm for the furtherance of ideologies that has favoured top-down, centralized control of not just our once free society here in America, but the entire world, which is precisely the goal of the Thirteen [central banking] Families who have remained perched upon the rest of humanity since they gained control of the U.S. Monetary System in 1913.
For those who determine what information flows through Big Tech platforms and the mainstream media and entertainment industries have the power to direct the attention of the masses toward certain issues and events, and away from others, and they can frame the perceptual reality around which our opinions take shape by choosing what to emphasize and what to ignore or suppress.
The media may not always be able to tell us what to think, but they are strikingly successful in telling us what to think about. In a more cynical manner, one could say that mass media grants the few who control it the power of tearing the public's mind to pieces, and then putting it back together again in a shape of their own choosing.

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