Setting Intentions With A Family Mantra |

2 years ago

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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about creating a family mantra for the year.


- The purpose of this podcast is to broadcast and share information on how you can use your own mind building skills/talents which will make you a happy person and be the best version of you.

- Part of these podcast is to make sure we’re engaged with our audience.

Three primary areas we deal with:

- You – As the largest leverage in your life, we help transform you into a happier and better version of yourself.

- You and your relationships. Your relationship with your family and friends and personality of the one’s you’re close with.

- Business – What is the direction you’re going and who are you going to work with?

- We came up with a family mantra and we’re calling it with the year of abundant self-reliance. We retrospectively determined how our previous years were. We watched ourselves grow and it primed us to be a lot more aware.

Concept of yearlong mantra – This can be for your personal life, business, community, whatever, you can create a mantra for the year. Ask yourself, do I feel like I’ve accomplished self-reliance?

- Self-Reliance

- Relying on systems rather than people. Going to create enough systems this year so it will all be smooth and free flowing. Self-reliance require discomfort – it’s also releasing that an uncomfortable experience is not a bad experience.

- Don’t feel locked in when choosing your mantra and feel free to define it to what make sense to you, make sure you understand what it means to you. If there’s no specificity, it will be challenging for you to achieve it.


- Tell us what your annual mantra is for the coming year. Ask yourself, what has been my theme for the last three years and think about what is it you’d like for this year to be? What are the big goals?

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