Concerned Citizens use Common Law to close Avon and Somerset NHS vaccine centre

2 years ago

Evidence and video footage from Bristol Saturday the 1st of October 2022.

A special thank you to Brian Hill, he recorded everything. He spent hours and hours last night until 3am condensing the main police and interactions into 90 minutes from many hours of footage. A brilliant job.

Please have some respect for the 15 good men and women who were there to protect our children and our country from harm. To all of them, Martin, Steve F, Nate, Matt, Brian, Ava, Dora, Steve, Dale and all of his team from South Wales, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all stood up yet again.

Mark Sextons statement

Public Announcement:

As a result of the NHS director at the Bristol university west of England vaccination centre, pausing all vaccines for three days, due to serious harms being caused, to evaluate the evidence submitted to the centre and to the police on the 1st of October 2022.
Every vaccine centre in Britain must also stop all vaccinations immediately to allow for the damning evidence of harm to be fully evaluated by the NHS, MHRA and the government.
The centre was closed with the full support of avon and Somerset police.
It is now of paramount importance to close all vaccine centres immediately until further notice. this is in the name of public safety.

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