Qigong for Late Summer into Autumn; Earth yielding Metal

2 years ago

A 30 minute flow drawing up the last rich earth energies of Late Summer as we approach the sharper, cooler Metal of Autumn.

Featuring some exercises from the Wuji Hundun sequence, we use the lao gong points on the palms of the hands to feel and absorb yin energy from the earth and draw it up into the body, nourishing the stomach and spleen.

We play with energy between the hands to open and close our energy centres (dan tien.) We observe the energy flow in a 'Qi wave' formation noticing the yin and yang moments of the cycle as we approach the time of year when those energies start to reach equilibrium at Autumn equinox.

Spending some time in a standing meditation we grow roots into the earth to draw up the cool, refreshing yin energy to soothe and hydrate our system after the firey heat and heavy earth of summer.

As the earth yields its precious metal, we shift our focus into one of the metal organs, the lungs, stimulating the meridians with some acupressure and movements to open up and expand the lung capacity. Using our breath to cleanse the system we look towards the Autumn / Fall themes of letting go and releasing anything which no longer serves.

I hope you enjoy this longer flow, let me know how you get on in the comments, and thank you for taking the time to watch and practice along with me.

Don't forget to come and say hi on Instagram @qi_and_gong & if you like, you can also buy me a coffee here https://www.buymeacoffee.com/QiGongMaggie

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