Truth vs. NEW$ Part 2 (2 October 2022) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and David Kenney

2 years ago

The January 6th committee got a ear-full from Ginni Thomas, who is an attorney and (I surmise) ripped them a new on by laying our proof after proof of the theft of the 2020 election, which the committee was designed to cover up with false allegations of incitement and insurrection. Count on its final report including not a single word she had to say. A prominent UK physician has changed his tune and come out against the COVID vax--in particular, the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA versions--as requiring a "pause" and reassessment, after his own father (who was in good health) died subsequent to taking the jab. The evidence, he observes, is simply "overwhelming" that they are doing more harm than good. Fat chance anything will come of it, alas, because they are so effective in promoting depopulation through vax-induced multiple causes of death. UNESCO absurdly now dedicates itself to the eradication of conspiracy theories, which really means the abolition of critical thinking, where everyone is supposed to simply accept whatever their governments tell them as true. This is a grotesque abuse of one of the few UN agencies that (at least, for a time) was regarded as actually doing some good. No more! Ron Johnson has documented how the social media giants have suppressed his views, even as a sitting United States Senator, which is grotesque and a clear abuse of the 1st Amendment (because they are doing so at the behest of the government, which it specifically disallows). And a simple test of Ford's latest EV truck shows they are completely impractical for the kinds of things trucks are supposed to do. Added segment about Mary Maxwell, Wolfgang Halbig, and Sandy Hook.

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