VIp dog training a Belgian Malinois currently available for adoption

2 years ago

Greta is a happy older pup who thinks shelter life is
exciting. She is curious about everything and very
alert. She weighs 51 pounds and walks alright on a
leash with an occasional jump up to bounce off your
chest when she can't control her enthusiasm. She
knows the sit command. She is affectionate and
enjoys giving kisses while on a lap and being petted.
She likes belly rubs. She might bark at strangers when
she gets nervous. She is submissive but friendly. We
have seen her interact with other dogs during CAP
play dates and she can be intense, rough, and mouthy.
You should probably bring your dog to meet her to be
sure they get along. We don't know how she'll behave
around children or even if she is house trained. She
came to CAP from another shelter and totally forgot
her resume. Please offer sweet Greta the home and

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