NWO “Reset” Used to be a conspiracy theory now it’s common knowledge

2 years ago

The book of revelation in the Bible predicts that the bad guys are gonna try to have a New World order, a new world economic system, and a one world religion, with one tyrannical dictator to be the antichrist, a mark of the beast to go in your hand to enable you to buy and sell, which could be RFID chip or now the Wi-Fi active Covid injection, And a total physical control of everything worldwide.

The people mainly doing the foot work for this are the world economic forum, as well as the slave Masons, and all the global Satanists and many of the big bangers. There’s also the head of the 13 families, there was the British royal family had, and then there’s the Vatican which is also a big part of it.

You can see that the basics of their “great reset” plan Have been fairly well known since the 90s at least the people who were paying attention. But now it’s common knowledge and a lot more people are aware of this.

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