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2 years ago


How to relieve stress
Although stress will not cause disease in a short period of time, if it is sustained for a long time, it will have a considerable threat to physical health. Therefore, when faced with stress, the most important thing is to know how to relieve it, not to suppress it. C is Change, adjust the current situation; A is Accept, accept your current situation; L is Letitbe, give up something; MManageyourlifestyle, play a good life style to prevent and manage stress in advance.
According to the above four suggestions, for stress relief,
1. Reduce stress at work
1. Review your own ability - If the overload is due to lack of ability and experience, you should quickly review your own ability where you need to strengthen training, or which part can be done by others, and then make improvements based on the problem after the review.
2. Strengthen time management - sometimes overloading is because the detailed steps to complete the work are not carefully planned, so good time management should be a good way to reduce stress. When we make plans, don't set too much time. If you give yourself plenty of time and space to complete one thing, you can relieve the pressure.
3. When the roles are confused - you should first understand the connotation of the work, and then discuss, communicate and coordinate with the relevant supervisors or subordinates.
4. Learn to say no - make your situation known to those who ask, and learn to say no to extras that are not related to your main work goals. When you don't know how to say no, time is easy to be divided, and you often have to deal with half of the things again and waste a lot of time.
5. Delegating to others - worrying about what others are doing is often one of the main reasons for overloading. Give others the opportunity to accumulate experience.
6. Role conflict inside and outside the workplace
2. Improve interpersonal relationships. Poor interpersonal relationships will cause tension between people and me. Not only is there a lot of psychological pressure, but it is not easy to get help from others, and the pressure cannot be relieved. People with bad interpersonal relationships are mostly too strong in ego, and it is not easy to tolerate others and understand other people's thoughts. Everyone has different values ​​and ways of doing things. Don't subjectively decide which one is right and which one is wrong. In fact, there is no so-called right or wrong in many things, just different habits. In addition, talking more about the advantages of others and affirming others will also help to improve interpersonal relationships. 3. Accept the current situation and change your thoughts. When the environment cannot be changed, change your thoughts. In fact, everything has its multi-faceted nature. Sometimes you will be much happier if you change your thoughts. For example, a dull person is often a good listener, although he is not good at words. Therefore, we should always look at ourselves from a more positive perspective and change our self-deprecating thoughts. The most typical example is to tell ourselves "this situation may train me" "this is not as bad as I imagined"...
4. Always be grateful. Some people complain about every current situation, they are always dissatisfied, and they always want to pursue better. They only pay attention to the future goals and lose the joy of enjoying the present, so they have been under pressure. So learn to be grateful for what you have now, and you'll feel much better.

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