令人不快真相:地狱是真实的,也是永恒的 (WarningThePeople)Uncomfortable Truth HELL IS REAL and Eternal

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/2VBpfjThu7Y

2020年8月14日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/warningthepeople


( 2020年8月14日WarningThePeople)

地狱是真实的,地狱也是永恒的。 对人们来说,谈论地狱的永恒往往是令人不快的,尤其是当有人死后,家人们相信他现在在一个更好的地方。 所有那些胆怯的、不信的、假冒伪善的、拒绝耶稣基督的真理的、没有真正悔改的人都会去地狱,地狱是所有罪人的终点。 任何罪和罪人都不能进入神的国。 所有罪人的结局都是地狱,最终落入燃烧着火和硫磺的火湖。 耶稣比任何人都更多地谈到了地狱。 他说在那里,虫是不死的、火是不灭的。 他说得很清楚,地狱是永恒的,那些不悔改的人都要下地狱。 要注意:你必须是圣洁的,你需要真正地悔改。 悔改你的罪,清理你的殿。 确保你已经准备好迎接主的再来。 耶稣即将到来,大多数人包括基督徒都没有准备好。 地狱是真实的。你认为你会在哪里度过永恒,天堂还是地狱?

Uncomfortable Truth HELL IS REAL and Eternal

Hell is real and hell is also eternal. It is often uncomfortable for people to talk about eternity in hell, especially when somebody dies and they believe that their family member is now in a better place. Hell is for all of those who are cowardly, unbelieving, hypocritical, who reject the truth of Jesus Christ, who don’t truly repent of their sins, hell is the end for all of those who are sinners. Not one sin and not one sinner is going to enter into the Kingdom of God. The end for all people who are sinners is hell, ultimately the Lake the burns with fire and brimstone. Jesus talked about hell as much (and more) than anyone. He said it’s the place where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. He made it very clear that hell is eternal and that those who do not repent go to hell. Be warned that YOU NEED TO BE HOLY, you need to truly REPENT. Confess your sins, clean up your house. Make sure that you are ready for the return of the Lord. Jesus is coming and most people including Christians are NOT prepared. HELL IS REAL. Where do you think YOU are going to spend eternity, HEAVEN OR HELL?

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