Vladimir Zelensky Explanations October 2, 2022 (Subtitle)

2 years ago

ℹ️ Source: https://web.telegram.org/z/#-1463721328

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🤍 The purpose of the videos; To show that WAR is a terrible phenomenon.

📒 At least twice a day – in the morning and in the evening – I receive reports from our military.

This week, the largest part of the reports is the list of settlements liberated from the enemy as part of our ongoing defense operation.

This, you know, is the trend... Recently, someone somewhere held pseudo-referendums, and when the Ukrainian flag is returned, no one remembers the Russian farce with some pieces of paper and some annexations.

Except, of course, law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. Because everyone who is involved in any elements of aggression against our state will be accountable for it.

And I thank everyone who brings these moments of victory closer, who returns the Ukrainian flag to its rightful place on Ukrainian land. I thank everyone – from generals to common soldiers, from professional soldiers, intelligence and special forces to volunteers and everyone who helps defend our state.

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Communication; mfsa_33_@hotmail.com

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