GOP Candidate Flip Flopping All Over The Place On Trump’s ‘Stolen’ Election

2 years ago

Don Bolduc is twisting himself in pretzels over his election denial. One minute he says Biden stole it. The next he says Biden won, only to go back on that five minutes later and say there was voter fraud.

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Yeah, let's do this Bolduc thing. So you remember Don Bolduc. he was a candidate that won the Republican primary there. He's going up against Maggie Hassan. and this was a potential pickup seat for Republicans. still is. but the fact that Don Bolduc is the candidate is helpful. because he's a lunatic. and this is one of those seats I think that he got or at least you know Democrats weighed in and tried one of those classics like John Bolduc too conservative for New Hampshire. yeah, it was basically between him and the one of the center Republican leadership in the State House Chuck Morse. and Morse lost pretty handily to Bolduc in the primary. and I agree with this strategy, right? I mean IT feels like we've said this on the program before that I mean Maggie Hassan is not as popular as she you know should be. but so this was a potential vulnerability for them. and the best way to secure that with a not very strong incumbent is to have an extremist on the other side who also has no idea what the hell he's doing. and New Hampshire has some Lakes. It has a little tiny bit of oceanfront. tiny tiny. but this guy apparently has never been on the water because he is rudderless. let us show you where he was just like two weeks ago less than two weeks ago. Here he is on Fox describing what has happened in the month prior from the time that he was running to the time that he wins he's had an epiphany because he did some research. basically against Morse, the more establishment Republican candidate. because they were basically saying that you're so extreme that they think that you're more beatable. and One of the things that Maggie Hassan the Senate incumbent will say is that you are an election denier. That you deny that President Biden won the 2020 election. and there's this from August 14th when you had a debate watch here.

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