How did we get here. For conspiracy theorist with nowhere to go.

2 years ago

If you are finding yourself motionless with no-one to trust of influence or that feeling of isolation then sit back and listen to one who has travelled far through the Life Farm, Conspiracy Farms and onto the road of inner truth.

Yeah, I get it, he's an old hippy. Right? A crackpot!
Never judge a book, wait until the end and then comment truthfully.
Why is that so important to me, I learn by my mistakes by admitting and correcting but without your truth I am just another opinionated old tosser.
Well, there is truth to that, but I offer myself, bare and unscripted, ok I wrote this, and waited to read after making a proper brew.
"Get it right Brian".

Priorities must be your focus, stop chasing and start realising it's about survival.
To write history they must first reset it, it's not just about the narrative, all must be reset even humanity.

Now you know why they all want your attention.

Much L❤ve


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