WARNING! They Are Coming For Our CHILDREN!!! - SINS OF THE WORLD - Past 5 Days (2018)

2 years ago

The San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus cheer for same-sex couples as they get married, one couple after another at San Francisco's City Hall in California on Friday, June 28, 2013. The 9th Circuit Court lifted the stay on same-sex marriage in California, immediately sending a flurry of soon-to-be married couples to City Hall. AFP Photo/JOSH EDELSON (Photo credit should read Josh Edelson/AFP via Getty Images)
Josh Edelson/AFP via Getty Images
As initially reported by Not the Bee, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, first established in 1975, has released a new original song in which they declare they are “coming for your children.”

The verses in the song directly mock the fears of parents who attempt to keep their children away from media that pushes an LGBTQ agenda, claiming that families will not be able to protect their little ones from gay propaganda:

You say we all lead lives you don’t respect. But you’re just frightened. You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct.

We’ll convert your children – happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly and you will barely notice it…

Just like you’re worried, they’ll change their group of friends, you won’t approve of where they go at night. And you’ll be disgusted when they start learning things online that you kept far from their sight…

We’ll convert your children – Yes we will! – reaching one and all, there’s really no escaping it, cause even grandma likes RuPaul…

The world’s getting kinder, Gen Z’s gayer than Grindr…We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children…The gay agenda is coming home. The gay agenda is here.

While the video has been receiving wide notice on social media, it doesn’t appear to be having the impact the choir members hoped for. At present, the YouTube video has only 64 upvotes indicating approval and nearly 3,000 downvotes indicating disapproval.

Multiple pastors began discussing the video on Twitter, warning that it illustrates the need for churches to preach boldly against the influence of modern media. Southern Seminary professor and Ethics and Public Policy Fellow Andrew T. Walker said of the song, “But remember, everyone, it’s the religious conservatives who spend their day plotting the next chapter of the culture war.”

Pastor and apologist Dr. James White argued that the song should inspire more parents to embrace school choice, saying, “Reason #1,462,908 to homeschool and communicate a passionate, deep Christian worldview that explains how men are to be men, women to be women, and all are to be thankful for the gifts and roles God has given.”

While the choir’s composition appears somewhat tongue-in-cheek, new analysis The Daily Wire covered earlier this week reveals that LGBTQ activists have been working behind the scenes in popular children’s programming to include more gay and transgender content.

A recent Insider story titled, “Animation’s queer women, trans, and nonbinary creatives are pushing gender boundaries in kid’s cartoons their counterparts couldn’t — or wouldn’t dare,” illustrates how these activists have successfully convinced networks like Disney Jr. and Nick Jr., targeted at very young children, to begin celebrating “Pride” through transgender concerts and parades for preschoolers.

Emphasizing new gay characters in shows like “Doc McStuffins,” the story notes, “The rise of gender-diverse representation isn’t a coincidence. Shows created and run by queer women, trans, and nonbinary showrunners are largely responsible for the influx of nonbinary and trans characters in kids’ animation.”

I Want Your Children

I have come to visit your children
And I’m pleased with what I see.
They abuse all kinds of drugs,
And are getting drunk with me.

They live as in Gomorrah or Sodom,
Their minds perverse and blown.
I will claim their souls anytime now,
You shouldn’t have left them alone.

I am glad you worked long hours,
I am glad you were busy a lot.
It would have been harder to sway them, if not.

At your schools I have been at work,
Making sex an acceptable game.
You slept while I fought to keep prayer out,
To add to your neglectful shame.

You don’t seem to notice the witchcraft;
I broadcast on your own TV,
"It’s just an innocent program,"
Twitch your nose as they follow me.

Add a couple violent sitcoms,
It’s funny to see heads blown in two.
Now your little Tommy has his own gun
And there’s nothing you can do.

They’re mine and you cannot reach them;
Their hearts are cold, hard, and black.
I’ve showed them how to party,
With pot, cocaine and crack.

You have been a tremendous help though;
I couldn’t have done it alone.
If you hadn’t forsaken your prayer life,
These seeds I could not have sown.

So stay away from the Bible’s teachings;
Don’t listen to what God has to say.
Your children are no longer your problem,
A price they’ll eternally pay.

Without Christ they are mine to devour.
Without God, nothing you can do.
Today I will take your children.
Tomorrow I will be coming for you.


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