What is the lifeblood of the Planet – Thought Provoking Conversation!

2 years ago

Thought Provoking Conversation!

Black oil is a potent and powerful force. It can be used to heal or to destroy.

For example, it has been used as an agent in some Native American tribal ceremonies where it was applied to the skin for medicinal purposes.

On the other hand, black oil is also known for being one of the most toxic substances on earth.

It can contaminate water supplies and soil, turning everything it touches into a lifeless wasteland. Poisoning plants with this substance can cause them to rot from the inside out.

If ingested by humans, it can cause acute liver damage and kidney failure. Ingested by animals, this substance causes bleeding ulcers and internal hemorrhaging before death.

Inclusion: All components within this cycle: Soil, Ocean are a necessity for earth and mankind; but black oil is the lifeblood of earth.

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