The end is nigh

2 years ago

It is Human Nature to delegate the heavy thinking to others, to experts in their Fields.
Heavy thinking consumes a lot of calories, and evolution has predisposed us to conserve calories, it is a winning strategy under the right circumstances, circumstances about to change.
Chaos will be unleashed, the end is nigh.
My name is David Norman Ward I am the author of the mosaic of time, and logic vs zombies.
Although this is an incredibly simplified version of what I think with great deal of certainty will unfold, I still remain annoying pedantic, and I choose my words carefully.
The premise for “Chaos will be unleashed, the end is nigh”
The end of electricity is the end of end of civilization as we know it, no TV no internet no water coming out of your tap, no money out of a bank machine, no food no help.
We live in a solar system with a monster at the centre, the Sun.
The Sun produces CME’s coronal mass ejection, or a solar flares, this happen all the time, and unless It's an extremely powerful solar flare, like the Carrington event back in 1859 when Telegraph wires caught fire, then there's not much to worry about, because we have an extremely powerful magnetic field or magnetic shield, that protects us all.
Or we had an extremely powerful magnetic field.
Do a search for “earth's magnetic field is weakening 10 times faster now”
This is happening because the Earth's magnetic field is going to flip, the magnetic North Pole is currently heading for Siberia Russia, and the South Pole is heading for Australia, the magnetic poles will meet in India, and then flip and move to their new pole position.
North becomes South and South becomes North.
The earth's magnetic field will continue to weaken, all the way to the flip.
Meaning as our magnetic shield goes down incrementally, so the likelihood of just an ordinary CME bringing down the electrical grid increases concurrently.

A time line for the flip, I don't know, maybe 20 to 60 years, maybe less maybe more, the event could speed up exponentially, or it may take its sweet time, this is governed by a lot of unknown variables, so you will need to monitor this for yourself, but I can be reasonably certain that the lights will go out long before the flip happens.
So when will the lights go out?
I don't know.
Another Carrington event could happen tomorrow, but I would consider this unlikely just yet, although the probability will increase with time.
July 2025 will be an interesting time, the Sun has a magnetic field flip every 11 years or so, it's the halfway point to it’s solar maximum.
So what will happen?

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