EXCLUSIVE: How Bill Gates Bought The Republican Wave of 2022

1 year ago

#politics #usa #news
Gates has purchased a massive piece of the 2022 Republican Ticket. There are so many Republicans that have received money from Gates for this 2022 election cycle that I found it necessary to list them, by State, later on in this article.

For starters, Gates funded the campaign of RINO Dan Crenshaw, along with donating to his PAC America Reloaded.

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham also received money from Gates in 2022. It should be noted that Graham is not up for re-election until 2026. Gates has been giving to his PAC since 2012.

Thune is a Republican Leader in the Senate. The second most powerful person in the Senate chamber, if the Republicans are able to take back power. Influence over him is a tremendous power for Bill Gates.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio also received money from Gates for this cycle. Rubio was given $5,000 through his PAC called ‘Reclaim America’.

RINO Mitt Romney, Senator from Utah, also received money from Gates.

The third most powerful Senate Republican, John Barasso, who serves as the Conference Chair, also recieved money from Gates. That means Gates has donated to two of the three most powerful Republicans in the Senate.

Gates also gave to his ‘Common Values’ PAC.

Republicans were not the only ones receiving money from Gates. The billionaire also donated to most of the Senate Democrat leadership.

Gates gave to Democrat WHIP and Chairman of the Judiciary Dick Durbin. He donated $2,900 to Durbin’s Campaign Committee, and $5,000 to his ‘Prairie’ PAC

Just a month after Gates donated to West Viriginia Senator Joe Manchin’s PAC ‘Country Roads’, and his campaign, Manchin reversed his stand against the Biden Climate Bill, siding with the Democrats to pass massive climate spending.

Will Bill Gates benefit from that bill? It should also be noted that Manchin serves as the Chairman of Energy and Natural Resources, along with being a Democrat Vice Chairman of Policy and Communications.

New Jersey Senator Corey Booker, also a Vice Chairman of Policy and Communications for the Senate Democrats also received a similar donation to his ‘Purpose’ PAC, and his campaign.

In the House, gates recently funded Hakeem Jefferies, the youngest member of Democrat leadership.

Gates has simply purchased all sides of this election. Though we expect him to fund Democrats, it is quite alarming to see the scope of influence Gates plans to have on the 2022 Republican ticket. He has obviously prepared for a Red Wave.

Here is a full list of the Congressional Republicans he has funded for the upcoming 2022 cycle.

Rep. Vernon Buchanan – Florida, District 16
Rep. Dan Crenshaw – Texas, District 2
Rep. Elise Stefanik – New York, District 21
Rep. Chuck Fleishmann, Tennessee, District 3
Rep. Mike Simpson, Idaho, District 2
Rep. Garrett Graves, Louisiana, District 6
Rep. Cathy Rodgers, Washington, District 5
Rep. Kay Granger, Texas, District 12
Rep. Suzan Delbone, Washington, District 1
Rep. Kelly Armstrong, North Carolina, At-large District
Rep. John Curtis, Utah, District 3
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania, District 1
Rep. Dan Newhouse, Washington, District 4
Rep. Jamie Beutler, Washington, District 3
Sen. Mike Crapo, Idaho
Sen. John Cornyn, Texas
Sen. Shelley Capito, West Virginia
Sen. Mike Braun, Indiana
Sen. Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
Sen. Susan Collins, Maine
Sen. John Kennedy, Louisiana
Sen. John Barrasso, Wyoming
Sen. John Thune, South Dakota
Sen. Bill Hagerty, Tennessee
Sen. Jerry Moran, Kansas
Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida
Sen. John Hoeven, North Dakota
Sen. Mitt Romney, Utah



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