🔴 Ray J. EXPOSES the KARDASHIAN’S & Fox Soul’s BATTLE of the BLACK GENDERS | Marcus Speaks Live

2 years ago

#trending #RayJ #kimkardashian #krisjenner #rayjexposeskimk #rayjexposeskrisjenner #rayiglive #foxsoul #blackmen #drumarjohnson #dwannb #hopegiselle #cynthiag

Late Saturday night Instagram lit up with #RayJ exposing the #kardashian for lying about the infamous 20-year-old tape and how it all was orchestrated and handled. Then Ray J. reveals receipts and shows proof about who signed contracts and text messages around the infamous Hulu episodes that restarted this whole disaster all over again. Fox Soul’s Tammi Mac held a debate about the war on black men with a panel of experts. The panel derived of professional black men and a woman to battle it out of ideologies of black men in a battle for manhood, a place by the side of black women and they are the leaders of the black community. All of this and more, So sit back, relax and pour a drink, roll up something good and enjoy, I am your Host Marcus, and this is "Marcus Speaks”.

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