How can I develop my gig’s image on Fiverr? keep the following things in mind #fiverr

2 years ago

How can I develop my gig’s image on Fiverr?

Gig image is one of the top things that attract customers to click on your gig. When designing your gig image, keep the following things in mind:

Content should not be stuffed in the image. Try to keep it as simple as possible, but not too simple. It is Fiver Policy that text in gig image must not exceed 20% of the image.

Put your own picture too. It helps to portray a positive image to the customers.

Instead of displaying all of your work, try showing only 2–3 samples of your best work. It helps to make the decision easier for the client.

If you have experience in graphic design, then Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are the best software for you to design your Gig image.

However, if you don’t then try using It is super easy to use and lets you design and download without any subscription.

The custom dimensions should be 710 x 427 pixels.

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