Being An Eagle-Short Subject Series 2 of 5- Five Myths of Socialism: Help the Little Guy

2 years ago

I'm your average ordinary American who believes in the: Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

In this video series I’m discussing the myths of American Socialism. In this video I question if Socialism really does help the Little Guy.

Lets not forget the Declaration of Independence is about Civilized Man temporarily becoming Uncivilized to save Civil Society.

#beinganeagle, #socialists, #socialism, #communist, #communism, #fascist, #fascism, #myth, #gun control, #means of production, #Declaration of Independence, #Bill of Rights, #Constitution, #Marx, #Darwin, #help the poor, #minorities, #freedom of speech, #hate speech, #freedom, #truth, #hating America, #utopia, #dystopia, #ownership, #choices, #Darwin, #poor, #human nature, #laziness, #underclass, #life, #liberty, #pursuit of happiness, #economics, #slavery, #welfare,

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