Melbourne Freedom Rally - 01 10 2022 - Part 9 of 9

2 years ago

Unknown Criminal charged directly towards me with its arms up and out to push me down the steps as I was on the steps.

It was trying to push me down the steps.

I did not know who or what it was or why it came towards me.

All I know that it was wanting to push me down the steps.

Out of fear of falling / being pushed backwards I had to back off for my safety so I not fall down the steps as I was between a few different steps and I was not safe or balanced when that Criminal approached me.

This Criminal who was wanting to push me down the steps refused to identify who it was after many multiple request for it to identify itself. I did not contract or approach it, it charged directly towards me.

I continued to back off as I knew if I didn't back off from whoever this tyrant Criminal was, I knew I would be falling backwards down the steps as it was determined to push me backwards with its outstretched arms to push be down the steps.

This Criminal's other Criminal gang came charging towards me and likewise they too started jabbing me to push me backwards, then it grabbed my jumper on my left arm and tightened its grip as they were pushing me down the steps.
Continually asking these Evil Criminal Thugs - who are they ? all the while refusing to identify who any of them were.

Then one of the evil Criminal Thugs stood on my Left Foot and put its entire body weight on my foot, my left foot was pinned to the ground, I could not move my left foot, the evil Criminals were continually pushing me down the steps which caused me to loose footing and ended up falling and rolling down to the bottom of the steps of parliament house.

The Criminals who instigated this Assault refused to identify itself and none of the other criminals were willing to give that Criminals details.
The 2 male Criminals who Assaulted me lied about what happened at the steps.

Then Criminal Thug tried to deceive me by lying to me about giving of details and so forth.

Ill let the video do the rest of the talking.

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