A herd of wild elephants enters a village , destroys all crops and returns to the jungle .

2 years ago

A herd of wild elephants enters a village , destroys all crops and returns to the jungle | Breathtaking Moment Of wild elephants cross. The incident was reported from Ganewalpola village in Habarana area . Every day in this way the elephant comes to the village , destroys the crops and goes back to the forest . The herd of elephants destroy crops in the village and reports of attacks on villagers as well . X Human - elephant conflict causes damage to human lives and property , as well as to the elephant population . Annually , elephants cause extensive damage to crops and property , and farmers kill elephants in retaliation . On average , farmers have killed 225 elephants annually since 2008 , and elephants kill about 60-80 people a year . Villagers are frequently attacked by elephants while walking and cycling .

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