We're Living In The Last Days!

2 years ago

THE MILLION-DOLLAR QUESTION: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Have you lied, stolen, used God’s name in vain, or lusted (which Jesus said was adultery, Matthew. 5:28)? If so, God sees you as a liar, thief, blasphemer, and adulterer at heart. If you die in your sins, you will end up in a terrible place called Hell. But there's good news. Though we broke God's Law, Jesus paid the fine by dying on the cross: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John. 3:16). Then Jesus rose from the dead and was seen by hundreds of eyewitnesses. He fulfilled all the prophecies of the promised Savior. Please, today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will forgive you and grant you the gift of eternal life (Ephesians. 2:8,9). Then, to show your gratitude, read the Bible daily and obey it, join a Christian church, and be baptized. Visit NeedGod.com and LivingWaters.com

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