More NS Police Corruption

2 years ago

I spent a weekend at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility with my basic human rights violated again because I possibly, accidentally forgot to pay for $69.10 in gas in March. They don't have a video of me; however, just a photo of me at a gas pump. They also cannot prove mens rea or criminal intent as I have no criminal record, I called to attempt to pay, I have never forgotten to pay for gas in the past, nor do I have any reason not to pay for gas. I'm pretty big on paying at the pump and collecting my Air Miles. One officer I spoke to has been serving for 25 years and has never seen an unendorsed warrant granted for a possible one time gas theft. I will complete a FOIPOP to see if they have ever obtained an unendorsed warrant or detained someone without a criminal record for this in the past in NS. As per this video, you can see that I tried to contact the Irving several times to rectify this and emailed the police letting them know that if they could give me a file # I would cooperate with them. I also advised that if they had to put a warrant out for my arrest that I would surrender myself. The police stopped responding to my emails and follow-ups after I said I would work with them to rectify this. They also excluded those emails from my disclosure in court. I felt I was being set up at the time as I have been lied to by NS RCMP/HRP in the past and given their reputation in NS after the mass shooting. The Irving manager, Heather, advised she had no record of this theft that supposedly occurred on March 14th. I would like to remind everyone that I think there are still some good cops within their organization and I am the provincial coordinator for Mama Bears who work alongside Police On Guard For Thee. Special thanks to the Cole Harbour RCMP for doing everything in their power to try to get me to court in time to prevent me from having to spend the stormy weekend in jail. Unfortunately, it appears the court made an error and said they would have to detain me until they could review my bail conditions. The issue is that the supposed gas theft occurred prior to my initial arrest, so the conditions would have been moot. I believe I have a slam dunk Charter Challenge for wrongful detainment. Stay tuned.

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