Truth Dog Vaccine Cure from Graphene oxide Poisoning

2 years ago


414 subscribers

Mix in 4 tablespoons of Activated Charcoal to one quart of water and shake well. Let sit for 30 min. then shake and pour to drink.
1 - 2 cups a day per person to flush out Graphene Oxide from system.

Activated Charcoal information for poisoning :

VACCINATED ?? DETOX from your Covid shots- How Graphene Oxide (99.99% of your covid jabs)- work against the immune system & how to detox from your vaccinations & exposure. Tell others-

Graphene Oxide binds to the enzyme Glutathione, altering its structure and stopping glutathione from preventing oxidative damage to tissues, proteins, and blood cells.

Glutathione is an antioxidant that plays crucial roles in the immune response, DNA repair, and the detoxification process that neutralizes drugs, chemicals, radiation, metabolic wastes, viruses, and bacteria

The immune system cannot function properly without glutathione and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E rely on it to function properly within the body. Patients with cancer, serious chronic illness, AIDS, muscular dystrophy, and over 60 other diseases have reduced glutathione levels.

The human body naturally produces Glutathione, but requires adequate amounts of Selenium and Vitamin E to enable it to stop harmful effects of oxidation. Glutathione also works in conjunction with Vitamin C to prevent oxidation.

Recommended Daily amounts of Vitamin E, Selenium, and Vitamin C (to be taken in several smaller doses over the course of a day):

600 milligrams Vitamin E

200 to 1500 micrograms Selenium (Vit E and Selenium should be taken together to allow the body to most effectively utilize the compounds).

1000 to 5000 milligrams Vitamin C

Link to madrid Scientist : :

Transcript in English : for other info &

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