This Shocking Proof of Evidence Will Makes You Question Reality | Pyramid True Purpose

2 years ago

The Great Pyramid Mystery And Their True Purpose Finally Discovered

Mainstream historians will tell you that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a glorified tomb for the Egyptian pharaohs, the only monument left to the original seven wonders of the world. This structure was created with impeccable mathematical precision and is a unique, mysterious feat of construction and engineering,
There's only one problem. The great pyramid has none of the characteristics of tombs, including extravagant artifacts, ornate, well-sealed entrances, elaborate coffins, or even mummies themselves. It was, however, built with unique materials, the same materials that are used today for electrical conductivity,
These facts are leading more and more historians to believe. The pyramids may have had a far more useful purpose. The Pyramid of Giza was not at all a tomb, but a power plant generating and transmitting electricity to the civilization surrounding it.
The Question is? Why do you think the reason behind government doesn't want us to know the real purpose of the Pyramid and the Free wireless Energy?
Almost similar situation happen Why didn't Nikola Tesla receive enough support from the government even though he offered his invention free wireless technology to transfer free energy?
Coincident? Join the Mystery Code, for a closer look.

To start, it's important to comprehend the tremendous effort that went into creating these monuments. The pyramids of Giza are among no less than 118 of these structures in Egypt alone. And that doesn't even include those pyramids in other parts of the world. Given our current understanding of how early civilizations built their monuments, it would've taken no less than 20 years to build these so-called tombs, and that's if no less than 20,000 workers worked daily,
To this day, historians still can't prove exactly how or when they were built. This leads us to. What resting place for the dead could possibly be so important that it would warrant the such phenomenal effort, time, and precise engineering? Even without knowing that they have nothing in common with regular tombs, you only need to stand before them to realize that's a lot of work for a cadaver, natural,
Naturally, we make conclusions based on the assumption that ancient civilizations were more primitive than us. But what if intellectual evolution isn't always linear? Can advanced technology be lost and rediscovered centuries later? Is it possible that an ancient culture had knowledge of and used electrical power to know for sure?

Let's look at another case where the technology of power generation appears to have been used, and then forgotten. We know Edison and Tesla brought electricity into common use moving into the 20th century. Yet in Iraq in 19 34, 3 artifacts were found together, a ceramic pot, a tube of copper, and a rod of iron, which when combined with liquid acid, can be used to create chemical reactions that produce an electrical charge.
Known as the Baghdad or Par Thein Battery. These materials date back 2000 years, 10 years after their discovery. Someone using grape juice with similar materials successfully generated a few volts of electricity. This process has since been demonstrated on the Discovery Channels program MythBusters, where lemon juice activated the electrochemical reaction between the copper and the iron producing four volts of electricity.

Nowadays, you can simply search online to find instructions on how to create your own battery using these chemical principles. But historians have long assumed that thousands of years ago, there was no knowledge of this technology and that this archeological find is a mere coincidence, even though we've long marveled over artifacts with intricate gold plating, which requires electricity to be created quite simply.

Energy generation happens as a result of simple chemical properties and can be done by anyone with four basic materials. So here are some important facts about the structure and the materials of the pyramid. For starters, it contains angled tunnels that lead not only into the pyramid but deep underground to areas claimed still to be unexplored.

What tomb needs a shaft directed into the Eart? We also know that centuries ago there were enormous swivel doors that weighed no less than 20 tons, but miraculously, it was so well engineered, they could be moved to enter with a push of a hand. Since no Egyptian tomb has ever been deliberately accessible, what was their interest in continuing to visit the mummies?

Or could such a door have served the purpose? Perhaps containing and insulating the space inside, though you'd almost never know it. The great pyramids of Giza were once covered in white polished limestone referred to as casing stones. The cuts made in this reflective stone were angled perfectly, so it would have a smooth, flat appearance.

#pyramidpowerplant #pyramidmystery #ancientegypt

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