Doctors findings panel with Ramola D

2 years ago

Wide-ranging and revelatory conversation with Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and Dr. Carrie Madej on the recent findings and disclosures from numerous scientists and researchers in USA, Europe and elsewhere on the blood clots and blood damage from the COVID injections, the damage to DNA and RNA from the mRNA injections, and the prospects for human recovery in face of this onslaught which includes the nanometallic load of graphene, aluminium and other particulates found both in the blood of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated (as per Clifford Carnicom's most recent research, which points to aerosol-delivery of same).

Dr. Mikovits also addresses the backlash from her needed questioning of Dr. Robert Malone, as claimed inventor of the mRNA vaccines, as to what exactly is in them, at the molecular level, and why they are causing the harms currently evident in those vaccinated.

All three scientists agree that the COVID injections must be stopped; Dr. Mikovits says that people need to stop taking vaccines in general since with each injection filled with retroviruses and generational cell lines the chronic burden of disease increases.

Dr. Carrie Madej shares some illuminating disclosure from her medical school days with a military professor who demanded that her students forget that she had just revealed to them that nanotech neurotoxins would be delivered into the human bloodstream, while she learned later from her own clinical practice that patients responded well to the clearing of neurotoxins from mycoplasma pneumonia with Dr. Shoemaker's discovery of cholestyramine powder to tackle mold: a discovery the Dept of Public Health and CDC became very interested in, telling her “it should not be cleared,” again, an insight it appears into early governmental experiments with nanotechnology with neurotoxin loads.

Research into mycoplasma pneumonia turned up information on 200 dead researchers, Dr. Madej notes, which stopped her from researching further, deflecting her rather into looking for cures for her patients. It is significant the CDC was well aware of the disease and its harms yet disapproved of a solution to address it, which begs the question: were they clued in on these military maneuvers which was wreaking havoc among the populace? This was my first introduction to Gain of Function, says Dr. Madej, or “evolved organisms” which is a code word, she says she learned, for bioweapons.

Dr. Mikovits and Dr. Northrup also mention the work of Dr. Candace Pert, author of Molecules of Emotion who brought in the first scientific study of Mind Body connections, while Dr. Northrup also speaks of divine light and love as powerful in repairing the damage to the human body.

Much more is discussed in this panel which covers solutions and detox protocols to follow to clean out metallic gunk in all our bloodstreams today as also especially COVID vaccine payloads of graphene and spike proteins, and things to watch out for in this time period of Luciferian globalists keen to farm bugs and cannibalize, with their introductions of cricket-protein—Acheta powder! informs Dr. Northrup--and human kidney fetal endocrine cells, HK723 included as “Senomyx” in numerous food and drink products: subjects for further focus and reportage.

Overarching conclusions however are positive and optimistic: these biotech transformers-of-cells tinkering away in a Frankensteinian-scientist fashion at the human body are not going to succeed, their reversals of DNA and agglutinating of blood are not permanent and can be healed and recovered from. It is important however to engage in life-affirming actions of detox and healing, and to continue to spread the word to help stop the ongoing worldwide carnage of the COVID injections, which mainstream media and governments continue to ignore and conceal, as well as to address the great harms of all the other sources of contamination we are being bombarded with today: aerosols, flouride, EMF pollution, et al.


Dr. Carrie Madej's recommendations:, Berkey Filters
Dr. Madej's Website:
Dr. Madej's Detox Protocol for a Super Immune System:

Dr. Christiane Northrup's recommendations:
World Service Institute--Divine Love Healing:
Dr. Northrup's website:
Dr. Northrup's informative article on vaccines for all:

Dr. Judy Mikovits' website:
Dr. Mikovits v. imp. presentation on synthetic/GMO/xMRV viruses in vaccines:
Dr. Mikovits Sep. 2022 newsletter with much info on healing from vaxx injury, & on FDA missteps:

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