Christopher F. Loncaric - A FormerFedsGroup Interview

2 years ago

On September 1st 2021 my late husband Christopher was admitted to the hospital via the Emergency room department. He had tested positive for Covid 19 on August 26, 2021. I was not allowed to go into the ER or anywhere in the hospital for that matter. I was told I have to leave the building and go home. I was informed later that day that Chris was put on oxygen as he was having difficulty breathing.
This was via the nurse. I brought him his cell phone on the 3rd so he could call me or text if he wanted or needed too. I left it with the ER and they had someone take it to him. As for the phone. The whole time he was there in the hospital there where many hours upon hours that I could not reach him. When I finally did Chris told me that they kept taking his phone.. Interesting. Since the ER admission he was berated and made to feel unimportant because he refused to take the shot.

Read the rest of this heartbreaking story at

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