Time, Space and Astrology in Bali

2 years ago

This is in the video-essay style as it ranges freely across several subjects, mainly astrology in Bali and the locational astrology of Chaplin, Spies and Bonnet, but also be prepared for the weaving in of megaliths, temple architecture, mythology, art, psychology, performance and travelogue commentary. I think Montaigne is the originator of this personal essay form and if he had had a You Tube channel his style would be deep and meandering in this manner, but with all the added visuals. It's really a meditation on Bali and all that I learned there and I feel happy that I managed to get there and see for myself what the mystique is all about. Even David Bowie wanted his ashes scatted over Bali. Now I know why.

I'll do another one just inspired by 'where the waters flow'. All about Bali. So watch out for that to follow.
Just to be clear - it did not come across clearly- the calculation is 6 x 35 = 210 and the 7 is matched to the 5 days of the week to form the 35 day month.

Deep thanks is due to all the people I met in Bali who helped me scratch the surface and explore this island and who bothered to answer my bothersome questions. Thanks to Didi in Ubud, and Ngourah at Danaas Guest house on https://www.facebook.com/ngurahgusti70

Find your Balinese Astrological Zodiac

Music credits from Pixabay.com/music - all royalty free samples.

1) Spirit-landscape-118015 Lexin music

2) Chill-ambient-11322 Coma-media

3) Ambient-Celestial-Dreamy- Drone-Healing-Meditation-Yoga -20846 RED Productions

Barley, N. (2009) 'Island of Demons', Singapore: Monsoon.

Eiseman Jnr. F.B. (1990) 'Bali: Sekala & Niskala: Essays on Religion, Ritual & Art', Volume 1, Jakarta: Periplus Editions.

Vickers, A. (2012) Balinese Art: Paintings and Drawings in Bali 1800-2010, Jakarta: Tuttle Publishing.

Image Credits
Paintings and drawings by Walter Spies:
'Cockfight' ,
Portrait of a young man,
Bali at night time.
& Landscapes.
all via wikipedia.

Painting by Rudolph Bonnet 'The Temptation of Arjuna' (1952).

Painting by Ketut Murtika( b 1952) 'The Wheel of Life' wikipedia.org.

Pawokon Calendar from Dreamstime.com Stock photo. Alamy

Saraswati Wayang postcard by Agung Kaka Parta, Kilki. Gianyar, Bali

Gudung Padang Temple from wikimedia/wikipedia.org

Baya Aga info from https://www.indonesia-tourism.com/bali/trunyan.html

Bali Aga skulls photo from the Daily Express

Bali Mask Travel Poster at pinterest.com

All remaining photos and videos by author Kieron Devlin, August-September 2022

Thank you for watching, listening.

© Kieron Devlin, Proteus Astrology, September 20th, 2022 All rights reserved.

For the written version and links to other articles mentioned go to
Time, Space and Astrology in Bali

Walter Mercado

Yoga and Astrology

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