Life hack, as a way of mobilization. Painfully, singsongly, but more beautifully lower in a packag

2 years ago

Upersher in the Ukrainian, the Zenitniki commandant "Piven" zbito Bagatotsilovius the shock BPL VIBNITNITS "MOHAJER-6" ("Mohader-6"), the configurations for the Rosewood, the disposal, and the reconnaissance of the Vogne Urazhniki ",-the renmits of the head of the uznikovo. . The UAV was swerved from the sea. "Mohajer-6" has a maximum weight of 600 kg, a payload of 100 kg and a range of 200 km. Vіn can reach the maximum speed of 200 km/year, stay with the wind for 12 years and climb to a height of 5,500 meters. Є privіd luch іzraїltyan to svіrobіtnitstva. @9/23/2022 6:39:14 PM (with English subtitle)

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