3 Disturbing Posts from Reddit [Vol. 69]

2 years ago

The first story is about how when the story teller was 18 she was friends with other skater kids around her neighborhood. She got to know a kid named Max who would seel her weed on good deals. She always found Max weird but not weird enough to ignore him. Eventually one night the story teller brings her boyfriend to a bonfire with the rest of the skater kids from the neighborhood and Max is there. Before the story teller and her boyfriend are leaving Max gets angry and upset over something, but the story teller ignores this and leaves. Eventually Max starts to stalk the story teller. Sending her constant texts about weird threats, and writing chaulk outside of her home and spreading flowers over her lawn. She eventually has enough of this and gets a restraining order. However Max continues to stalk her. Eventually he gets sent to jail but gets out 3 months later. The story teller moves 3+ hours away from her old house and never sees him again. The second story is about how a girl and her friends decide to go to a local party one night when the story teller is standing chilling on their phone and a guy starts staring at her. She feels the pit of her stomach drop and turns on her location just incase for her friends. She goes outside to wait for her friend to come out as they are about to leave and the man that was staring at her tries to grab the story teller. She pushes him off and he tries to grab her neck. A guy from the party comes out and chokeholds him and gets him off the story teller. They leave and never come back. The third story is about how a father and two daughters are in a Walmart shopping for one of their birthdays. One of the daughters wanders off and comes back asking their Dad if they can look at a puppy that a man offered her. The father walks with their daughter to find the man. The father confronts the man and yells at him "WHERE'S THE PUPPY YOU WANTED TO SHOW MY DAUGHTER HUH?" This causes a scene and security is called. The police do an investigation and figure out the man had tools in his car to kidnap someone.

My subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ToxicSkullX/

0:18 Story 1
6:29 Story 2
9:30 Story 3

Original posts:

Story 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/fx0vzi/my_weed_dealer_turned_creepy_very_creepy/

Story 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/ba8v61/crazy_guy_that_grabbed_my_neck/

Story 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/5jkaz6/at_the_toy_store/

If you wish to post your own stories for me to narrate in future videos, post them on my subreddit or email them to me! Make sure they are neat and have good grammar, otherwise I will ignore them.


Hello everyone. Today I will be narrating three disturbing reddit posts that I found from the r/LetsNotMeet subreddit. If you wish to put your own stories for my videos on my subreddit, it would be much appreciated. I hope you enjoy this one, consider liking and subscribing and leaving a comment, positive or negative. Constructive criticism is always nice as well.

I am always grateful for your appreciation to my channel and its content. From subscriptions, to likes, to ratings, all is appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful day.


Horror Ambience (Free Background Music) ESN Productions

Dark Synth by 5P4C3_C4173T | License: Creative Commons 0

CO.AG Music.

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