"Gaze Long Into the Abyss, and It'll Pull a Gun On You!" - Angels Fall First

2 years ago

Angels Fall First w/ Todoh, Crafter, and New Adventurer from Team CSTN. We'll typically play AFF on the last Friday of the month.

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We're back with more AFF this week, and not a day too soon! There was some concern that New Advent might not have been in a position to join us, very much because of his previous PC getting written off. But fortunately enough, it looks like his replacement has come in recently, meaning that he's good to go as far as streams and the like go.

And just for anyone curious, Sile said that, should she make the time to get back into the game, she'd definitely want it to be in bot matches where she can practice without the risk of getting stomped by more experienced players. Baby steps and all that. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the stream and have a great rest of your day. Later guys!

- Todoh

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Oh, and if you'd like to help support small-timers like us, we'd appreciate you stopping by our Ko-fi page down there. Thanks in advance.


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